Glonass and Mercury joint innovation makes freight transport free of excessive control
Russian government recently performed an experiment relating to the cold chain mode control. Container equipped with the Glonass innovation was shipped from Vladivostok to Novosibirsk and arrived in 10 days. Freight shipped was 26,9 tons of fish, undivided and frozen
Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance reports of successful shipment; all the time container was monitored. After arrival, thorough control of freight and the documents was performed and revealed no damage of package; its condition was fully compliant with the sanitary requirements.
During the shipment, internal temperature made -24 C° that is fully compliant with the perishable food rail shipment requirements. Such shipment quality is a great success. This is a result of innovations use that were never utilized before. It was decided to test them and the shipment was experimental; further it was a success and good results were reported by expert group
Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance associates report that the success is much due to the innovative Glonass system, thermologgers, E-seals and other special equipment. Modern techniques and developments provide many possibilities for production, science and technology. Innovations were also implemented into transportation of perishable products shipment; this cannot but be noted, since goods of this type are regularly transported across the country.
The experiment performed by the Russian government gave many possibilities for perishable products shipment. In future, physical control may be totally cancelled during shipments that will mark totally new stage in the field. Risk-based approach is also planned to be utilized that will significantly increase the effectiveness of the cargo shipments and will decrease the load of the personnel letting to free up time for solving more urgent tasks. Experiments and research in this area are expected to continue and reveal significant and useful results. In the future, other innovations may appear that will significantly facilitate transportation of perishable products and significantly increase their efficiency.