Storage & handling

Globe Medical specializes in providing the full range of logistics services required for Clinical Trials. The local Depot is the departure point for the distribution of Study drugs and materials within the Russia and in the terms of international supplies.

Depot Services:

  • Receipt, storage and distribution of study drugs and other materials;
  • Storage of returned/rejected/recalled/quarantined study drugs and materials;
  • Destruction of materials
  • Transportation;
  • Organization of international delivery;
  • Labeling / re-labeling;
  • Kits assembling;

Depot observe:

Depot is corresponds all the requirements for storage of medicinal products, which is confirmed by ISO, GDP certificates and Pharmaceutical license.

The warehouse is equipped with the following systems:

Ventilation circuit, which allows to maintain the temperature within the specified limits;

  • Storage zones:
  • Ambient +15…+25 С
  • Cool zones +2…+8º С
  • Frozen zones -10…-25º С
  • Deep frozen zones (- 86 C)
  • LN2 Dewars -150 º С

All equipment are validated and constantly checked by technician employees.

  • Fire-fighting and alarm system with notification, including smoke control based on powder fire extinguishing modules;
  • 24 hour temperature and humidity control system covering all storage areas;
  • Back-Up power generator;
  • System of access control, inc. Electronic keys;
  • CCTV.