Biysk reporting of new analgesic creating
Cooperated with Tomsk scientists, Biysk research crew created unique analgesic having no adverse reactions.
Main feature of the drug is glyoxal, being an essence; the substance is part of explosives and rocket fuel.
Before manufacturing, 3-year total length clinical trials were conducted. Currently, fundamental results may be definitely claimed, and the new drug is going to explode pharmaceutical market.
Daria Kulagina, chemical scientist in Biysk, is striving for best analgesic action of hexaazaisowurtzitane molecule. As noted above, it was recently known only as part of explosives. It was 5 years ago when peaceful analgesic potential of the substance was suggested by Biysk research crew occupied in Institute of Chemical and Energy Technologies. The drug was named Thiowurtzine.
Preliminary results.
The drug was intensively studied in the Scientific Research Pharmacology Institute within 3 years. Preclinical studies in animals demonstrated zero toxicity and rescue help in pain. Its efficacy is equal to opioids with no addiction effect; it is allowed in pregnant and cancer patients.
Drug’s effect is rapid, 100% is reached within the first hours and sustains up to 17 hours. As noted above, lack of adverse reactions is the main advantage of the drug as compared to the equivalents. It is common knowledge that other analgesic drugs may damage gastric mucosa, respiratory system or cause allergic reaction or frustration.
Analgesics are known to enjoy high popularity in the world; over 30 millions of people administer them daily. Pharmacy market show the highest demand in analgesics. However, before marketing clinical trials are to be conducted.
Future of the drug
Research crew hopes to win financial support for clinical trials (nearly 7 years are planned) an further marketing of the drug. Wide use of the drug may only be considered after the period.
Currently, Research crew negotiates major pharmaceutical companies in Russia. However, even currently experts predict the substance to explode the drug market.