Biological samples delivery

Globe Medical provides a range of services for the pharmaceutical industry in express delivery of biological samples.

Features for transportation of biosamples

Often, the laboratory where the materials are analyzed and the sender (patient or an organization that represents the interests of the patient) located in different countries. We face with the situation when it is necessary deliver biological material from one point of the planet to another. Patient’s health of and success of scientific trial directly depend from timelines and accuracy of such supplies.

Among the customers of these services are pharmaceutical companies, medical institutions and centers, laboratories and other organizations, which are in contact with the pharmaceutical business. Also the service is available for physicians.

For the delivery of biosamples, the strict temperature control is required. We offer transportation in the following temperature modes: + 2 ... + 30С; + 15 ... + 25 C; + 2 ... + 8C; -15 ... -25C; -70 C (Dry ice); -150 ... -196C (liquid nitrogen).

We use certified and accepted for transportation thermo-boxes, which allows us to maintain the required temperature regime within the prescribed timelines up to 3 days. Delivery to any point of the planet does not take more than 24 hours, so we guarantee that the biological material will be delivered in complete safety.

Additionally Globe Medical is ready to repackage the cool packs in transit points (at customs, warehouses, representative offices and warehouses of agents), which will increase the delivery time and save the transported material.

Biomaterials are accepted for transportation:

  • as a part of Clinical Trials;
  • genetic research for the patient;
  • search for a donor;
  • complex diagnostics and analyzes;

Transmitted materials are divided into several groups:

  • Blood, serum, plasma, cellular components;

  • Biomaterials;

  • Sperm (animals);

  • Biological samples (tissue sections);

  • Medicines.

Both uninfected and infected samples are accepted for dispatch. Since such shipments are classified as hazardous (IATA 6.2 group), handle with them requires special trainings. Employees of the company have all the necessary skills in this area and have been trained by appointment.

Globe Medical offers delivery services both in domestic and international communications. Many years of cooperation with air companies, as well as a conception of handling goods at the airports, allow us to choose the best route for delivery.

For short distance deliveries we use vehicles/machines specially equipped with refrigeration and heating systems. For transportation in winter, our cars are equipped with heating systems to maintain a positive temperature, or cooling systems to reduce the temperature in the summer. All machines are equipped with thermal loggers and pass regular technician control.